January 2018: Lion has announced ‘Beer, It’s Beautiful’ has evolved as the category initiative from its ‘Beer The Beautiful Truth’ campaign with immediate changes active across website and social pages (Facebook) from 18 January 2018 and updates to existing brand packaging expected from early February 2018.
Beer The Beautiful Truth commenced in November 2015 as a vehicle to share nutritional information and help consumers navigate unsubstantiated myths surrounding beer, assisting them in the making of informed and educated decisions around their choice of alcoholic beverage.
While Lion will still continue to share important facts about beer, it now also wants to celebrate the many reasons why beer is beautiful, hence the name change.
Beer is incredibly versatile, can be paired with all kinds of food to enhance a meal’s experience and there are hundreds of different beer styles to explore and discover.
Beer, It’s Beautiful is a category initiative that Lion is committed to for the long-term. The campaign has already made positive inroads into changing perceptions and Lion are eager to continue the journey and raise beer’s profile in a cluttered environment.
Lion believes that driving the emotional connections surrounding beer, celebrating its positives and giving people more information around the facts is exactly what Australians want. Through Beer, It’s Beautiful, Lion will also empower consumers with knowledge around the versatility of beer and facilitate new conversations through food and how it can be matched with various dishes just as well as wine.
The campaign will be supported by Digital (website), Social and Lion’s Good Food Month sponsorship.
The Beer, It’s Beautiful website – www.beeritsbeautiful.com – has officially launched and is where people can find out even more information about Lion’s beers; including how they’re brewed, ingredients, tasting notes and the individual nutrition information.
There is also an interactive quiz for people to find out how much they really know about their favourite beer, recipes that showcase beer as the hero and information on which types of dishes to pair certain beer styles to.
For more information visit: https://beeritsbeautiful.com/
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